2020 Commission on the Status of Women
Topic: Broadening the Scope of Women’s Citizenship, Leadership, and Political Participation in Transition Countries

The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), established in 1946, became the principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to promote women’s empowerment and the progress of gender equality. The committee was founded by an ECOSOC resolution, emphasising upon member states to implement more dedicative actions towards accelerating the women’s progress to procure their rights in political, economic, and social fields. The Commission’s annual two-week session aims to overcome emerging issues that affect gender equality and the empowerment of women by mainstreaming gendered perspectives within other intergovernmental bodies. The Commission does not limit participation to states only, non-governmental organisations are also allowed to participate in sessions, attend caucuses and panels and run their own events.
This Commission will discuss the multifaceted hurdles in removing women’s limitations on their leadership and political participation on a local to global level within transition countries. It will aim to tackle developing countries’ specifically, in regards to systematically embedding a promoted inclusion of women in the political sphere. This commission should address the matters of civic education, gender-inclusive sensitization campaigns, electoral violence as well as women’s integration into policy-making. This can be maximised by analysing the various recent studies conducted on local civil societies, with a focus on gender’s role in discriminatory laws, regulations practices.
• Australia
• Canada
• US
• Saudi Arabia • Kuwait
• Jordan
• Argentina
• Mexico
• Rwanda
• Namibia
• New Zealand • Sweden
• Finland
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